DIPG Blog, News, and Articles

Research Update: CBD use in DMG

June 29, 2022
Abstract Diffuse midline gliomas (DMG) are highly invasive brain tumors with rare survival beyond two years past diagnosis and limited understanding of the mechanism behind tumor invasion. Previous reports demonstrate upregulation of the protein ID1 with H3K27M and ACVR1 mutations in DMG, but this has not been confirmed in human tumors or therapeutically targeted. Methods Whole exome, RNA, and ChIP-sequencing was performed on the ID1 locus in DMG tissue. Scratch-assay migration and transwell…

Characteristics of patients ≥10 years of age with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: a report from the International DIPG/DMG Registry

February 17, 2022
As a supplement to the Journal of Clinical Oncology 2018 publishing from the International DIPG/DMG Registry and statistics of DIPG and DMG, the International DIPG/DMG Registry releases new age specific findings and long-term survival prognosis. Background Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG) generally occur in young school-age children, although can occur in adolescents and young adults. The purpose of this study was to describe clinical, radiological, pathologic, and molecular characte…

Compassionate Use, Expanded Access, and Off-Trial Use of Treatments for DIPG / DMG

January 17, 2022
When confronting a diagnosis of DIPG / DMG, clinical trials are often the first resort beyond or concurrent with radiation for treatment options.  Although these trials may not offer a cure, phase 2 and phase 3 trials do offer a limited measure of comfort from life-threatening side effects.  But if these options don’t work, many patients find themselves weighing other options including phase 1 trials or even compassionate use opportunities where little to nothing may be known about the compound…

Australian Researchers Find New Way to Target Deadly Childhood Cancer With CBL0137

April 13, 2021
The Cure Starts Now
The following article originally appeared on thecurestartsnow.org. Research by Australian scientists could pave the way to a new treatment for a currently incurable brain cancer in children called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, or DIPG. Affecting about 150-300 children in US each year, DIPG is a devastating disease with a median survival range of 8-11 months, according to DIPG.org. The research, led by scientists at Children’s Cancer Institute and published this week in the international jo…

Steroids – Practical Advice from a Parent's Perspective

March 24, 2021
When a child is diagnosed with DIPG, they are commonly put on a steroid. Because of the location of DIPG , the high risk of the tumor swelling and causing more side effects, the use of steroids are necessary to help.  Steroids are an anti-inflammatory used to reduce swelling and inflammation around the tumor. “What we are using the steroids for in DIPGs is to calm the inflammation and swelling that you see after radiation” says Dr. Trent Hummel, Pediatric Neuro-Oncologist, Cincinnati Children’s…

Practical Advice from Parents for Newly Diagnosed DIPG Families

March 3, 2021
A cancer diagnosis is difficult enough but when the diagnosis is for a child, it’s life-altering and one of the single most devastating events in a parent’s life. There is no set path to trek when handling a childhood cancer diagnosis. Advice from parents who have been down this road can provide hope and tips for handling treatment and making memories. We’ve compiled a list of advice and tips for newly diagnosed families based on responses we received from parents in our DIPG Facebook support g…

Breakthrough International Cancer Trial Halts Tumor Growth

February 23, 2021
The Cure Starts Now
The following article originally appeared on thecurestartsnow.org The Cure Starts Now Foundation funds novel trial that halts tumor growth in 2/3 of study CINCINNATI | February 18, 2021 – The Cure Starts Now announced that the Polyamine Pathway Metabolism as a Novel Therapeutic Option for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) grant, funded in partnership with the DIPG/DMG Collaborative, has resulted in the identification of a potentially revolutionary new drug treatment for brain cancer. I…

In the Lab with Dr. Carl Koschmann: Therapeutic Reversal of Pre-natal Pontine ID1 Signaling in DIPG

January 4, 2021
Researcher at the University of Michigan Hospitals The Cure Starts Now recently sat down with Dr. Carl Koschmann to discuss his research grant for Therapeutic Reversal of Pre-natal Pontine ID1 Signaling in DIPG. What is the purpose of your research? “Our aim is to get sequencing from as many spots as we could separate from the pons, where the tumor is located, and, effectively, get as much information as we could about each spot, while trying to figure out how the spots were different and h…

Translating Clinical Trials

November 2, 2020
The Cure Starts Now
This article originally appeared on thecurestartsnow.org Keith Desserich, Chairman of the Board at The Cure Starts Now, explains clinical trials – what they mean for cancer patients and how they work. Clinical trials are set up in phases, all designed to focus on an idea. We call these preclinical, or even translational research trials. They are designed to conduct testing on cancer cells in a test tube or mouse modeling.  Ultimately you are trying to determine whether or not this idea, th…

DIPG Re-irradiation Side Effects and Considerations

November 2, 2020
The Cure Starts Now sat down with Dr. Luke Pater, Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Cincinnati Department of Radiation Oncology and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, to discuss re-irradiation in terms of DIPG, DMG and medulloblastoma. Recently families facing progression of DIPG, DMG and Medulloblastoma have received recommendations to consider re-irradiation, can you explain what this involves? Re-irradiation for brain tumors is very similar to the initial experie…